Hamberger Sanitary GmbH
PO box 10 03 53
83003 Rosenheim
Sebastian-Tiefenthaler-Straße 2
83101 Rohrdorf
Contact: info-sanitary@hamberger.de
Ph.: +49 8031 700-250
Fax: +49 8031 700-660
Registered office: Stephanskirchen
Commercial register: District Court Traunstein
Company registry number: B17320
VAT-Reg. No.: DE251173449 (in accordance with §27a)
Managing director and responsible for the contents:
Dr. Peter M. Hamberger
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ralf Schwaighofer
Dipl. Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH) Michael Huck
Tyärk Dieckmann, MBA
Public liability insurance with worldwide cover with the HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG, HDI-Platz 1, 30659 Hannover
Design & implementation: BRANDMARKER®, Agentur für Marketing und Design
Website contents:
We would like to point out that the information on our website is carefully checked for possible sources of error. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any text, information or data and will accept no liability for any errors or omissions to the maximum extent permitted by law.
All rights reserved:
The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files and videos as well as their programming and arrangement on the Hamberger Sanitary GmbH website are subject to copyright protection and other intellectual property rights. The use of text and graphic material from this website is only permitted with the express written consent of Hamberger Sanitary GmbH.
Trademarks: Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks used on the Hamberger Sanitary GmbH website are protected by trademark law.
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